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Many moons later...

It has been quite some time since i last posted. Over two years. My life got crazy and i lost track of everything. I had a major family emergency come up which resulted in me packing my bags in one night and flying off to Washington DC. There i spent a year at a hospital dealing with said emergency. After that i moved to Texas to be close to family, but also moved with my boyfriend. I finally got all my stuff sent to me from Portland and since then i have been working on making my life normal again. Things are good now, but many things have changed. My love of food has not though.
San Antonio has proven to be challenging in regards to healthy foods. (DUH.) I am fortunate enough to work at the only raw, vegan, gluten-free place here. Our main focus is fresh juices and shakes, but we do some raw, vegan dishes that i absolutely love. I am the raw chef for One Lucky Duck and i just feel so blessed to have found this job here. I've learned so much and continue to learn. I love that this world has been opened up to me.
Throughout all these changes i have not lost my love for vegan foods. I am currently seeing someone that had never experienced vegan cooking before i came into his life and it has been such a joy to make delicious dishes for someone who is so open-minded about good foods.
Lately i have decided to hop back on the cooking train. It was hard to make myself cook over the last couple years with so much going on, not being in my own kitchen, not having all of my own tools, pans, etc. I fell off the wagon basically. And it has been such a struggle to get back on. SO, I'm hoping to start blogging again, trying to stay on it, and inspire myself to cook my heart out. I love cooking and i miss it.
So here we go...


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